So why am I doing this. And what exactly is this?
This is the Longest Day Up. If you're reading this blog for the first time, welcome and thank you for visiting. The blog hopefully details how and why I agreed to take part in the 2023 LDU, getting the bike from it's somewhat neglected state to a fully fledged distance trampin' machine and with a bit of luck, the successful journey on June the 21st. If you're interested in reading the whole sordid affair then you need to scroll to the bottom of the main page and read each entry from the bottom up because Google/Blogger has decided to be awkward. The first post is aptly titled As with many decisions it started with a beer... I hope you find them interesting. A decade ago it was the Longest Day Down but, the times they are a-changin' as Bob told us so a while ago it turned into Lands End to John 'O Groats. What's not changed is the fundamentals of starting at one end of Britain at first light on June the 21st and trying to get to the other end before the nex...