Anyone For Cake?
I'm still away at sea with work, I've not heard from the exhaust company and nor has the corporate sponsorship money arrived yet. But I keep checking the Cancer Research fund every few days and on Monday for some strange reason there was a flurry of donations, much to my surprise. I recognised one name as someone Mrs EvilSpike works with and messaged her to convey my thanks and tell her about the other random donations. It turns out she'd had a bake sale at work and the donations were from other pilots, observers and the students at her squadron! She was going to keep it quiet until the end of the day and then let me know with a total which was £121 plus some gift aid in the end which is fantastic. Her mum had been baking too and they managed to present an amazing array of cakes and flapjacks for everyone. I'm only mildly jealous that I didn't get to eat any of the fruit slice offered up. Unfortunately one reason the donation and blog pages might ...