So, the first bit of garage time...
So, bit of garage time today to give the bike a proper clean and look over. After a lot of scrubbing it comes up pretty clean. Other than the broken and rusty bits but to look at it in a positive light, that's just patina and a slow, natural way of adding lightness. I've got the bugs and road filth off from when the last time this valiant iron horse triumphed at the LDU, popped the screen off to clean the remains of an old tax disc off and swept up the not insignificant puddle of rust unnecessary iron that was left behind. Also found the missing battery terminal nut that had escaped the previous owner There are lots of positives, especially compared to what some of the other contestants participants are currently battling with. One person has a bike that has been partially underwater for a number of years. So, the good bits: New plugs, light bulbs, tyres, battery, air filter and it had an oil change about 1500 miles ago. Carbs were rebuilt a year ago wi...