So, the first bit of garage time...
So, bit of garage time today to give the bike a proper clean and look
over. After a lot of scrubbing it comes up pretty clean. Other than the
broken and rusty bits but to look at it in a positive light, that's just
patina and a slow, natural way of adding lightness. I've got the bugs
and road filth off from when the last time this valiant iron horse
triumphed at the LDU, popped the screen off to clean the remains of an
old tax disc off and swept up the not insignificant puddle of rust unnecessary iron that was left behind. Also found the missing battery terminal nut that had escaped the previous owner
There are lots of positives, especially compared to what some of the other contestants participants are currently battling with. One person has a bike that has been partially underwater for a number of years.
So, the good bits:
New plugs, light bulbs, tyres, battery, air filter and it had an oil change about 1500 miles ago.
Carbs were rebuilt a year ago with new seals and jets.
Brakes were also rebuilt with new seals and pistons.
It starts, runs and goes through most of the gears, stops (in a fashion...) and merrily turns. Actually, moving this bike around the garden and garage is a dream compared to the race bike!
The suboptimal bits:
The left hand fork seal has had enough and is currently merrily allowing whatever remaining oil is in there to baste my driveway.
Both discs are scrap, the left hand one is more warped than Dr Frank N Furter taking a jump to the left. The right one, let's just say I've seen straighter put-ins at an Australian scrum.*
Both exhausts are blowing from the join between the centre section and the silencers. And blowing quite a bit.
The carbs need setting up, as it stands on my private test track the bike struggled to get about 40mph, and when cold whilst idling the left hand cylinder is doing probably 80% of the work judging by the smoke from the silencers. Once it's warm things are better, but not that much better, and I'm not doing a thousand miles at 40mph.
Stuff I'm (currently) somewhat indifferent to:
Some of the wiring needs tidying. There seems to be a number of connectors under the cracked bodywork that are just hanging around in the breeze. They need chasing at some point or another and either cut away and the ends safely wrapped in heatshrink, or bagged up in a waterproof cover.
One of the indicators has made a bid for freedom. The plate has come adrift from the rubber stalk, if something has broken, arldite and cable ties will fix it.
The cush drive is a wee bit clonky. Not horrendously so, so hopefully Mr MoT man will merely suggest I look at it one day in the future.
The rear shock is lacking in any damping, but.... meh. Not got the budget to sort that to be honest.
That's not too big of a jobs list!
*clearly this is a lie.
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